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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Blind Man 2-11-09

It's a privilege to see all the colors abound,
a rainbow of colors of things all around.
My empathy cries out for those who can't see,
and dreading the thought if it happened to me.

I'm thankful for God and His infinite love,
from flowers below and the rainbow above,
but this man was blind from birth until now,
before Jesus came and then healed him how?

He lived in full darkness. No light he had seen.
Can you just imagine location and scene?
Can you imagine the thought of it all?
Spitting in dust, making clay they recall.

And of all days on Sabbath - believe it or not,
the Pharasee's angry. They argued a lot.
They questioned the blind man and his parents too.
They heard all the facts but still hadn't a clue.

He told them the truth but they didn't believe.
They asked him again and then told him to leave.
Those who had eyes were so totally blind,
but Jesus took blindness, rekindled the mind.

It's a privilege to see all the colors abound,
the rainbow of colors of things all around.
My empathy cries out for those who aren't free,
so have faith in Jesus and make yourself see!!

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

John 9 - Healing the Man Born Blind


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