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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Slave Loyalty 2-7-09

The best slave in the world,
is the one who doesn't know he's a slave.
He's one who will do all he is told,
and for his master will always behave.

When his master offers greater rewards,
he is right there ready and willing to serve -
obedient every waking minute -
and proves to his master - he has nerve.

And so it's been for thousands of years,
best slaves have been obedient and gave.
Sin is the master who goes unseen -
best slaves oblivious, to their grave....

The best slave in the world,
is the one who doesn't know he's a slave.
He's one who will do all he is told,
and for his master, will always behave.

Never be a slave to sin.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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