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Friday, August 5, 2011

One Not Worthy 8-5-11

If I was Jesus, could I take -
the blame that wasn't my mistake?

If I was Jesus, could I hear -
the name 'Barabbas' in my ear?

If I was Jesus, could I see -
the multitudes surrounding me?

If I was Jesus, could I wear -
a crown of thorns set on my hair?

If I was Jesus, could I feel -
the rugged nails through hand and heel?

If I was Jesus, could I smell -
the stench of sweat and blood that fell?

If I was Jesus, could I taste -
when sour wine on lips was placed?

If I was Jesus, could I give -
could I be strong, could I forgive?

If I was Jesus, could I die -
for one not worthy, such as I?

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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