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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Old Tattered Book 8-16-11

It always has been with me.
The Good Book, it is not.
My book is old and tattered,
and its been read a lot.

I'm very much familiar with
this ragged, weathered book -
I'll hide it not from you because,
I know you'll want to look.

My life is like an open book,
and here for all to see.
Interpret every facet there,
or read it differently.

Folks from different walks of life
have formulated ways -
to gather vast opinions and -
to scrutinize my days.

Now you may disagree with them,
or you might fall in line -
with those who do the gossiping,
and group me with the swine.

I see my 'dog-eared' corners,
the grime and stains throughout.
Forget, I would, some pages -
if I could tear them out -

because I'm very much ashamed
of sinful burdens there -
of sins that I cannot forget -
that Jesus had to bear.

And guilt, at times, still haunts me,
and though forgiveness cures,
I'm very glad you've read my book.
Now take a look at yours.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Matthew 7:3 (NASB)
Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye,
 but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 

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