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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Patient One 9-19-09

FOR MANY YEARS they crowded me -
they grew so very tall...
but you, my Lord, had stunted me -
created me so small.

They pushed me off and stole the sun,
and rose up to the sky...
but every year You held me down,
and I had wondered why.

The winds and rain blew very hard
beneath them I was crushed...
and you, my Lord, had gone away,
my silent screams were hushed.

For many years this happened -
and they'd ignore my plea...
and you, my Lord, seemed not to care,
when they would laugh at me.


So many years have passed since then -
a hundred years or so...
yet you, my Lord, answered my prayers,
and patience helped me grow.

A million weeds had laughed at me -
yet long ago they passed...
and you, dear Lord, protected me,
just as my prayers had asked.

For many years Your little tree -
was pushed around by weed...
but oh, dear Lord, You strengthened me
and met my every need.

And now today, I tower high.
I'm seen for many miles -
but oh, dear Lord, You taught me well,
and humbled all my smiles.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Psalm 37:7 (NASB) Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

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