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Monday, September 14, 2009

A Greater Crown 9-14-09

This big old world has judged me
and here, this is what they see -
an old and crooked branch that
once had held a potpourri,
but though I want to speak up
I can only set here mute -
and now they often wonder why
I'm void of any fruit.

It matters not what others
think as they bear fruit instead -
and though they judge me mightily
and think me almost dead -
their branches, burden heavily
with fruit that makes them droop,
as they clan up together in
one big and happy group.

None have stepped into my sandals
nor has drank from my own cup,
and they haven't my experience
and do not know what's up.
So this is why they see my branch
is bare from day to day -
for every time I grow some fruit -
it's given fast away.

Sometimes I want to keep some
as I really am in need,
but there's a voice that whispers
with a wisdom true, indeed.
Rewards aren't really needed
on this land of earthly sod,
for a greater crown awaits me
from the true and living God.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Matthew 13:23
"And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty."

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