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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Coat Of Many Colors 4-15-12

If brothers plot to kill you -
they tease and taunt and gloat -
and it was taken from you -
your multicolored coat -

if sin and evil torture you -
and throw you in a pit -
if dry and dusty are those walls
yet you refuse to quit -

if try, you to convince them -
but heckles are aplenty -
if sold then into slavery -
for shekels, only twenty -

if sold again, again you are -
and lies persist unjust -
if after you are thrown in jail -
in God, you still will trust -

then after all is said and done -
and king and father see -
the tears of joy will flow again.
Forgiving there will be.

Oh, God will one day make amends
to them who were deceived -
and 'coat of many colors' is,
for those who have believed...

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


(The plot against Joseph starts in Genesis, chapter 37)

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