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Saturday, July 16, 2011

When Jesus Holds 7-16-11

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
will I forget the past?
Will I forget my every sin,
from first to very last?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
will I forget the pain?
Will I forget my memories that,
keep driving me insane?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
will I cry quite awhile -
then be so red and blurry eyed,
I miss His loving smile?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
will all my sins replay?
Or will He hold me close to Him,
and wipe my tears away?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
Will I begin to smile?
Will I be very thankful too
and joyous all the while?

One day, when Jesus holds me tight,
when I'll be loved the most -
will I remember anything,
as Jesus holds me close?

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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