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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Touched? 7-26-11

When all goes well, you do not call,
you do not whisper prayers at all.
but when you're sick or feeling bad,
I hear a prayer that makes Me sad.

You pray that I should comfort you,
and tell Me all that I should do -
but then when you are well again,
your prayers are empty, hollow, thin.

So where's your trust when you are well?
I need your faith so I can tell -
you're not a fake or hypocrite,
but sincere friend who can commit.

Commit to church, commit to Me,
commit to friends and family.
Until that day, you're torn apart,
torn in two, straight through your heart.

So pray when things are going grand
so I can tell right where you stand.
Not lukewarm, but hot or cold -
for lukewarm souls, I will not hold.

For I so love this world too -
the worst of men, including you.
I will save you from your sin -
but you must first, invite Me in.

So patiently, at your hearts door,
I stand and knock to offer more.
For from this world, you'll soon depart,
so let me touch your broken heart.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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