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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Silhouette (against the sky) 12-2-09

Four-thirty in the morning came.
The night was cool, the winds were tame.
As with birds, time quickly flies -
in silhouette against the skies.

Deceptions twist and bend the truth -
for men and women, aged and youth.
Seek these hints with open eyes -
in silhouette against the skies.

Sin's deception ruled the earth -
for our forgiveness, His rebirth.
Hear the echo of His cries -
in silhouette against the skies?

God's truth and I, we walk abreast -
deceptive lies we so detest.
So He reveals as He supplies -
in silhouette against the skies.

Now Jesus came to shed the light -
it was okay, forgiveness right.
See His cross still standing high -
in silhouette against the sky?

Now listen... as His voice breaks free,
Can you not hear, can you not see -
glimmering hope - that is why,
in silhouette against the sky?

If masks were shed and truth be told,
each one of us is getting old.
Morning breaks, the end draws nigh -
in silhouette against the sky.

Yes, God is love and grace is free!
My little fragile faith tests me...
So in shadow, will walk I -
in silhouette against the sky?

Promises great, followers few -
do you know Him as He knows you?
Seek Him first and you will spy -
in silhouette against the sky.

Four-thirty in the morning passed,
the weather cool. Now winds blow fast.
As with birds, time quickly flies -
His glimpse of truth against the skies.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Matthew 6:33 (KJV) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

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