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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Strength Through Love 6-28-07

There is no love in sin.
There is no sin in love.
Sin is like a vulture, but.
love, like the snow-white dove.

If anyone thinks that they can hide a little sin inside,
They hate our God in Heaven and mock our Lord who died.
Don't look at me to judge my God for only God's correct.
Just look inside and search yourself for something to perfect.

Sin's author is deceptive.
Sin is anger, death and hate.
But do not hate the person -
just save him from its bait.

Love forgives, forgives, forgives,
It's patient and it's kind.
Love loves the person,
But hates what kills mankind.

There's no love in vultures.
They aren't in Heaven above.
We must be totally humbled,
to gain God's strength, through love.

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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