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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

An Old, Odd Nail 6-26-07

A nail holds most anything, above foundation's stone.
The hammer hits the flattest end and drives the sharp end home.

If the nail isn't hard, it's purpose is unsure,
When on it's head it's hammered and bends beneath pressure.

Why must one end be so sharp, but the other very flat?
Must it be firm so it won't bend? Just think about all that.

The world is like the hammer, which drives the nail in -
through hands of a Carpenter who took our every sin.

A nail isn't any good, unless it's always buried;
in the hands of Christ Himself with blessings wide and varied.

Live like this old, odd nail - that doesn't break or bend,
under pressures of each day – in Jesus to the end.

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Psalm 108:1 [ A Song, a Psalm of David.]
My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing, I will sing praises, even with my soul.


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