When friends and family disappear -
when pride and courage turn to fear -
when all is gone and all seems lost -
when spirit dies, then what's the cost?
When at a loss and don't know why -
when all we do is cry and cry.
When time goes on, but we cannot -
what if, about us, God forgot?
When sin controls and we're pitch black -
what happens if God turns His back?
Oh, what if God just didn't care
and let us fall in deep despair?
Should we give up and lose all hope -
when there's no way in life to cope?
No. God is faithful, God is just -
and in Him only, we can trust.
For God so loved - and sent His Son -
who did not quit - 'til He was done.
So when in doubt, just say a prayer -
Remember God is always there.
©2010 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NASB)
16 Rejoice always;
17 pray without ceasing;
18 in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
I found your poetry site via Vine and Fig. I've been looking around surprised to find so many good Christian poetry blogs.
ReplyDeleteI noticed you include a copyright notice in every post. Do you recommend that over a more general notice on the site?
My poetry can be found at http://nothinghypothetical.wordpress.com/
I am 57years old but so young a child when it comes to doing things with poetry. What you have done i only dream of doing and touching as many as i can through this gift that the Lord did bestowed upon me. I find your poetry lifting, mesmerizing, full of love and concern for the readers that may digest your words into their souls. My spirit was so lifted by your ability to touch though you are far but so near. Its an honor to be able to taste of you talent for it has been very encouraging for me. I have no talent on computers but i am busy trying to learn. I have chased after the dollar all my life and had made a good living. i have had this gift since i was 20 in college in Neosho Mo. I am originally from Darby Pa. When thanksgiving came in 1971 at college i was the only one left in the sports domitory. I could not go home and no one who lived closed invited me. I pondered the reason why. I prayed...because i was lonely and missing home. Now the dorms were about 20 miles from the nearest town, and we were located deep in the woods. I heard the outer door open to my section and then i heard a knock on the door. When i opened it i was amazed to see a gentleman with a pastors collar around his neck, and he entered and spoke saying to me "Wendell God loves you" and he left with me trying to catch him to ask him a question or two but when i got outside the dorm no one was there, no cars, no lights no people. I went back into my room and it was lit up with God's Spirit and i saw a bible illuminated and floating in the air. I touched it and opened it to King David's Psalms and i have been writing ever since. I have known God before the time i was born. When i was 3-4 years old it was told to me i used to draw crosses all the time. But i was like Jacob and did a lot of things but he was always with me "Jacob i loved and Esau, i hated! Four years ago i lost my job, became disabled and the Hundred of thousands i used to make slipped away. One night 3 years later i was praying to God because i could not find a job for i was either over-qualified or too old. I prayed to the lord who had always answered my prayers all of my life... and i heard a voice saying to me "i gave you a gift...use it"! That was August 2009, the next morning i was cleaning out a storage facility to move all the items to my basement to save money. Me and my 14 year old grand daughter. She lifted a large tote and dropped it and the lid fell off and there were thousands of poems i had been writing since i was 20. That day i promised the Lord i would do something with them to glorify him. I began typing them into manuscripts which i now have 14 done and more to go. On New Years Eve, i prayed to Lord and thank him for opening a door for me and for not ever forgetting me like sometimes i did towards him. I promised i would publish at least one book this year but then i would also start submitting poems to magazines. I have no history doing this at all but i made a promise. Some told me it would be hard to do and that i would get a lot of rejection but i believe God and that he had a plan for me and work for me to do. The first poem i submitted was accepted in two hours after they told me the chances were slim. That was at "americandiversityreport.com" And they have blssed me with their love for they have printed one each month and the last two were main stories in their magazines. I look at what you have accomplished and would love to talk to you one day. I am proud of your success
ReplyDeleteI now have been submitting some at Cross way publications and i think that i am on their face book now! I know this was long but i believe that our gifts were put here to bring many closer to God with their beauty and truth and the light of the Holy Spirit found within. I wish you continued success. Wendell A. Brown "AKA" "The Brown One Poet". My e-mail address is wendellbrown911@comcast.net Thanks for listening!