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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentine's Day 2-7-10

"Love our dear Valentine" we always say,
whenever we think of Valentine's Day.

Big hugs and kisses and also some fun -
is love's expression for our 'special one'.
Flowers, dinner, and maybe some wine -
as we treat our 'sweethearts' especially fine.

But oh, long ago on one fateful day -
when we threw our greatest of loves away -

Hatred surpassed all the love we had won -
as hugs were not there when the nailing begun.
Thorns replaced flowers, and then sour wine -
and that's how we treated our Lord divine.

"Love our dear Valentine" we always say,
but how do we love the Savior today?

©2010 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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