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Friday, November 20, 2009

Caged 11-21-09

A bird chirped loud - said "See what's ours
on his side of the safety bars.
So come and grasp your freedom now -
enjoy these twinkling stars."

"You know that I am also free
and everything, can also see -
here in the comfort of my home"
I said so gleefully.

He chirped again there on the ground,
"Experience this life profound."
So decidedly, I chirped again,
"I like what I have found."

"Just try to understand my plea."
he chirped high from an apple tree.
"My owner too, will come for you"
I quipped triumphantly.

That pesky bird had quite an edge,
He landed on my window ledge!
So turned I back to owner, vowed,
"I'm staying here, I pledge."

She said so sincere, "I love you"
so I told her, "I love you too.
You gave me such a perfect place -
and give me such a view!"

So then that pesky bird took flight.
With me, it couldn't win a fight -
and though I understood his way -
was certain I was right.

That pesky bird had quite a tale,
but my demands would all prevail.
My owner, all I'd ever need -
and her, too big to fail.

I clung so tight to selfishness -
my good entitlements a 'plus'.
I didn't care for other's needs -
nor 'rights' of theirs discuss.

Then angry got, was so enraged -
there safe inside my little cage.
My freedom I had so dismissed -
starvation then, my wage.

I once had dignity and pride -
until that day my owner died.
With not one seed and water gone -
tightly locked, I was inside.

Had chances to escape, a few -
but didn't from this life I knew.
Last thing I saw, that pesky bird -
pulling up a worm or two.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Jonah 2:6 (NASB) "I descended to the roots of the mountains The earth with its bars was around me forever, But You have brought up my life from the pit, O LORD my God."

1 comment:

  1. Wow! First impression it's really about the bird but read it deeply I can see a man trapped in his own doing because he is afraid to go out and stand on its own.

    I really love this piece.


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