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Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Friends 11-16-09

Am I best friends with Jesus?
Does friendship really pay -
when troubles seem to always come
and things don't go my way -
when sunlight sets in darkness,
yet Him I must obey?

Am I best friends with Jesus?
Does friendship really pay -
when pain and sorrows come about -
and my heart, heavy weighs -
when others seem successful
while I'm in disarray?

Am I best friends with Jesus?
Does friendship really pay -
when this world's full of vultures
and turns me into prey -
when enemies surround me -
yet focused I must pray?

Am I best friends with Jesus?
Does friendship really pay -
when living in this sinful world -
residing day to day?
Am I His loyal soldier -
through love above the fray?

Am I best friends with Jesus?
Does friendship really pay -
if to myself I'm focused with -
and Jesus I betray?
If clay becomes the potter -
where is the faith in clay?

Am I best friends with Jesus?
Does friendship really pay?
Because He came to bear my cross
is friendship then okay?
Are both my eyes on Jesus -
committed ALL the way?

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 15:13 (NASB) Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.

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