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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Worse Than That 3-27-13

While I was strolling near a pond
one bright and breezy day,
a splendid scene had caught my eye
in such a special way.

Decided I, to lie a spell,
to take in nature's views.
So I had lain on greener grass
and kicked off both my shoes.

I saw the mirror images which
'bounced' beneath the sky,
on tips of little ripples that had
seemed to tip-toe by.

So beautiful, the lights reflected
off the little pond,
off the dancing water that
had seemed to just respond.

But life is not as it appears.
My thoughts took all this in,
When I had found that I had laid
right in this world's sin.

Once tempted by the greener grass,
well used by dog and cat,
I'm humbled now with just one whiff-
and sin is worse than that.

Don't laugh at me. It's just the way
this evil world turns.
So now I set my eyes on God.
My soul no longer yearns.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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