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Sunday, November 11, 2012

As More Fall 11-11-12

Just count the leaves here, 1-2-3
as more fall from the Maple tree.

Bright colored leaves, for all to see -
as more fall from the Maple tree.

And cooler weather there will be -
as more fall from the Maple tree.

The autumn breezes blow them free
as more fall from the Maple tree.

We jump in piles of leaves, whoopee!!
as more fall from the Maple tree.

We joke a lot, we're filled with glee -
as more fall from the Maple tree.

A blizzard comes. The robins flee
as more fall from the Maple tree.

We'll snowboard and we'll also ski -
as more fall from the Maple tree.

Then lost souls find eternity -
and more fall from the Maple tree.

Futile lives here, 1-2-3 
while more fall from the Maple tree.

Will we serve Jesus faithfully 
and rescue those on Maple tree? 

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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