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Monday, May 28, 2012

E and M 5-28-12

take the letters 'E' and 'M'
and you will plainly see -
that if you switch the letters 'round,
you'll get a word called 'ME'.
Meaningless, the 'E' and 'M'
unless they're switched around.
They have a different meaning and
of course, a different sound.

Now though the word 'ME' supersedes
the letters you can see.
the meaning of this simple word
is greater far than 'ME'.
For 'ME' is such a simple word
and if I have no breath -
there won't be any living 'cause
without life there is death.

So, 'life' is even greater than
a pile of all our words -
for living in His image is
as farthing for two birds.
Two birds that are not purchased
will fall to desert sod,
but grace is breath for you and 'ME'
and it is all of God.

if 'ME' is more than letters,
and 'life' is more than 'ME',
and God is more than life itself,
then it's all plain to see.
If meaningful, this profound truth
then what are we to do?
What does life eternal mean
and who is God to you?

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Matthew 10:29 (KJV)
"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father."

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