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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Heather 9-21-11

The wedding went so perfect,
despite the plans and rush.
Her wedding gown, exquisite,
so elegant and plush.

Heather was so beautiful -
her hair, so perfect set.
And he, the perfect gentleman.
My thoughts... of when they met.

Each other, they respected.
They were the perfect pair.
And none could break these two apart -
each others lives they'd share.

They love each other deeply.
Their prayers ascend above -
Their children? Little angels!
And they have all my love.


But then my dream had shattered
as I lay in my bed.
I live not in a fairy tale -
but the real world instead.

My Heather had no children -
and that, I know because -
she wasn't ever married.
Her husband never was.

No, Heather had no wedding -
She never had a choice.
My Heather was aborted.
I never heard her voice.

So please allow my wisdom
for just a moment more -
I live with my decision -
a choice I so deplore.

This memory that I live with,
still pains me yet today.
A life that God created,
I chose to take away.

(written for the mother and moms who can still love their baby)
 ©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



  1. Thank you for posting this excellent, painful poem. I'd remind your readers that the Lord's forgiveness is even greater than the past sin that's tormenting them. For those who are in Jesus, there's no longer condemnation.

  2. The poet is the most tragic. We need to reflect on the sins we commit each day with his verbal and physical neglect. We should confess in a way to get to heave


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