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Monday, January 18, 2010

My Horse 1-18-10

The course was very narrow,
the trail, straight and long -
I moseyed on that perfect path
where I could do no wrong.
I kicked my big, white stallion,
up rocky slopes one day -
and when I made this clearing,
I knew I'd found the way.

And while I sat there on my faith,
atop the highest hill -
and as I peered on valley low,
I judged folks all until -
I found great fault in everyone
no matter, great or small -
so I could sit up highest on
my saddle, straight and tall.

I prayed; "Oh, those pathetic souls
are hardly good for thee -
for never are they good enough,
unless they're just like me.
Just look at their bad habits,
just look at all their stuff,
and why don't they attend my church?
They are not good enough!

They sin in many different ways,
they fall in numbers too.
They just don't understand that they -
are not like me and You."
Now after seeing others
had wandered off the course -
t'was then that I was knocked right off
my high and mighty horse.

©2010 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Matthew 23:12 (NASB) "Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted."

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