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Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Shoe 1-23-09

Perfectly balanced as when it begun,
God's earth rotates around His sun -
so empty the pride, of yours, each shoe -
if you think this world revolves around you.

So find any pair - which ever you choose -
and slip yourself in - another's shoes.
You'll soon realize, while walking in stride,
they're much too large and a bit too wide.

Professors, plumbers, doctors, police,
firemen, authors, teachers and priests -
don't ever assume you can't be replaced,
for your life on earth will soon be erased.

God made us different for very good reason,
so whatever the weather, whatever the season,
we're all on this earth here - bound with a tether,
so strip away pride and start working together.

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Matthew 24:10 (NASB) At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.

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