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Monday, November 24, 2008

Shattered Glass 11-24-08

A gold fish swam to the glass.
It's tail fin made the water stir,
against the glass. It peered beyond,
but it could swim no further.

I reached too - but couldn't through.
That invisible glass prevented me.
Surviving in our own little worlds
isn't always meant to be.

We have eyes but what deceives?
For everything will come to pass -
this side of the present tense,
and out beyond the solid glass.

Sins law, like glass, invisible.
It's nothing but a deadly lie.
I reached but couldn't feel His touch.
It held between my God and I.

I was deep in waters sin.
Within there is no air.
There is no grace inside the law -
and faith cannot live there.

But then one night some time ago,
in quiet stillness, the world heard,
A star shone bright above a babe.
Something big on earth occurred.

He reputed worldly wisdom -
His death on earth did pass,
but heard before that quiet night -
the shout that shattered glass....

"Abba, Father" shattered it.
Sin's law in pieces, everywhere -
forgotten, forgiven, gone.
Grace unlocked us from despair.

Hope washed us ever closer.
Free from circling without breath,
free from sinful bondage where,
the wages of sin is death.

Some day soon we'll see our graves -
yet sin no longer holds us slaves.
The glass is broken. Make no waves -
just tell the world that Jesus saves!

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Romans 6:23 (KJV) For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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