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Thursday, February 16, 2006

What If? 2-16-06

What if, by chance, the sun didn't rise,
the moon didn't shine, one dozen was nine?
What if, by chance, streams didn't flow,
the wind didn't blow, and we didn't grow?

What if, by chance, birds didn't fly,
fish didn't fry, and we didn't cry?
What if, by chance, we couldn't see,
we couldn't agree, and we weren't free?

What if, by chance, a few were a lot,
ice was too hot, but fire was not?
What if, by chance, a dollar's a dime,
colors were time, and lies were sublime?

What if, by chance, the horizon was near,
a day was a year, and front was the rear?
What if, by chance, kindness was crime,
soapsuds were grime, and talking was mime?

Then that, for sure would be day in the night,
and wrong in the right, and peace in a fight.
Yes, we do have a right to our opinion -
but truth will always prove if it's right.

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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