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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Reminiscing 1-12-13

Something way down deep inside
my lost and lonely soul -
had eaten me until I died
of all my self-control.

Someone special lent a hand
that I did not deserve -
and touched an inner fragile strand -
a close and tender nerve.

I knew not what to make of it -
that kind, unselfish act.
My knees got weak and I admit -
was thankful.  That's a fact.

And then I sensed a flicker as
a flame on candle waves -
and saw their bumper sticker
that read, "Smile!  Jesus Saves!"

Then something in my reddened eyes
had made it hard to see -
choked up, I was, and all my cries
came pouring out of me.

So stunned in awe, I stopped to think
of all I'm guilty of.
I know my sin - once set in ink -
was wiped away with love.

Now, reminiscing has a way
to judge my many years -
so hymns in church on Sunday's now -
still well my eyes with tears.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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