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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beautiful 9-11-12

As vivid as a sunlight's ray atop each sturdy stem,
those bright and yellow flowers.  Could anyone condemn?
And others as the bluest sky in deep and vivid hue -
Now who could find more beauty in that panoramic view?

In eyes of the beholders,  conclusions are foregone,
but they're like sin down in your heart when scattered on your lawn.
The dandelion and chicory are pesky little weeds.
You might think they are beautiful, but kill those nasty seeds...

And this is how deceptive sins, work down inside the head.
As pretty as a flower's bloom - but ugly so, instead.
Now faithfulness in God alone prevents sin's every trace -
and every kind of sinful weed ...through everlasting grace.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


1 comment:

  1. A most important poem and message, Louis, reminding us that sin, indeed, is like those beautiful flowers (to the eye) which have such 'ugly seeds'. God bless you for this reminder!



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