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Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Joyous Life 2-5-12

Burned alive, my soul was,
despite my swings and thrashes -
and I had been completely dead,
a filthy heap of ashes.

And Heaven, I forgot about
when living with the masses.
So futile there, my soul was -
and learned life quickly passes.

Excuses weren't accepted.
Results were very vile.
I had to stop and think a bit -
and cry for quite awhile.

But that was then and this is now.
I want you all to see -
that I had no one else to blame
except for 'little me'.

Then sought I Jesus, by and by,
above the clouds and birds.
His grace was free. Now so am I
to leave these loving words:

If you would simply just repent -
and let His Spirit free -
through faith, you'll find a joyous life
and so contented be.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


1 comment:

  1. Your writings are still a joy to read. I love the message in the poem! Hope you are well, and God bless!


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