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Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Moon 10-30-11

I look up to the Heavens,
this clear and starry night.
Though I am insignificant,
the moon is quite a sight.

I think I'd like to be the moon,
for it is often seen -
shining high above the earth,
with purpose in-between.

I wouldn't miss a single night,
so I could catch the gaze -
of every person of the earth,
that sees my every phase.

It wouldn't matter if some laughed
or poked me full of holes -
for craters, I'd already have.
No one could quash my goals...

I'd have one single, special goal -
it's here for what it's worth:
"to reflect love from God's own Son,
to all down here on earth."

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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