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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hands 8-18-11

Selfish hands and idle hands
are rotten to the core.
Loving hands and humble hands -
are needed even more.

Not famous hands or jealous hands -
but hands that do God's will.
Eager hands and fearless hands -
enduring hands as well.

Patient and obedient,
or busy as a bee -
clammy too or clumsy,
or unknown they may be.

Feeble hands or age old hands,
or hands that hug a lot -
rugged hands or wrinkled hands,
great many hands or not.

All hands on deck - please listen,
and every faithful hand -
as we go into this dark world
and visit every land.

Share the never failing hands -
His hands - as He prevails.
His hands, that carry us away,
are hands that held the nails.

©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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