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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Complete 5-10-10

How can I live without Jesus?
What can I learn with lies?
Can I believe the unbridled facts -
with wool pulled over my eyes?

Empty my ways without the truth,
as death draws near below sod.
Lonely the ways without my Lord -
and futile, days without God.

My life is nailed tight to the truth.
My cup overfills the brim.
Jesus, my firm and faithful rock.
My life is complete in Him.

©2010 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Jeremiah 48:30
"I know his fury," declares the LORD,
"But it is futile;
His idle boasts have accomplished nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem. Every moment he is by my side. Easy to know he is here when I am sad, but when I am happy, I also need him. Sometimes I forget. But the poem is true reality. Great writting.


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