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Monday, October 19, 2009

The Moral Compass 10-21-09

Have they been long forgotten,
as trials trouble so,
the morals from the stories learned
so many years ago?

Points, that moral compass where?
In circles, does it turn?
When lost deep in the wilderness -
do hearts sincerely yearn?

Follow, do we, others' paths
to North, East, South or West -
or any other 'rabbit' trails?
What waters do we test?

Is morality of 'value' -
when values others form?
What forms the lawful ethic then -
from those who aren't reformed?

'Woe is me' when troubled from
corruptions planted seed -
and bountiful afflictions come
from harvesting the greed.

Economies will all collapse
and drive us far apart -
when money is the real love
that's locked within our heart.

Oh, man still harbors evil.
Respect is all but dead.
The young, the old, the least of these -
can see their lot ahead.

Yet Gods Word sets a standard,
from wisdoms tested past -
and only if we follow Him,
will peace forever last.

Hold, if we, that truer love
and do what we were taught -
would people ever think to steal,
or have an evil thought?

What if no one ever killed,
and no one ever lied?
The way, the truth and the life -
It opens eyes so wide.

What have I in my goblet?
What have I in my flask?
What do I treasure in my cup,
it's me that I must ask.

Seek, I must, humility
and drop my royal cup -
for the moral of this poem is -
the compass points straight up.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


John 14:6 (NASB) Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

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