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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good Morning! 8-5-09

Can I rise to face today,
when I hear all the things they say?

Can I fathom one more day,
despite the stubborn and their way?

Can I survive this world's decay,
with all the laws in disarray?

Can I get up - is it okay,
go back to sleep or walk away?

Can I just work another day,
for one small check - my measly pay?

Can I get up with skies so gray,
and face the torture - come what may?

Can I give up and can I pray,
"I trust Your 'will' and trust Your way?"

Can I look up and can I say,
"I'm humbly Yours and will obey?"

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


1 comment:

  1. your verse of the day answers all these questions so....yes we can!!!! Great poem Louis! It's nice to be linked and get first dibs:)


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