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Friday, June 26, 2009

Will We Learn? 6-28-09

As wars break out, hurt innocent,
through torture, hate and lie.
To see these deaths, it saddens me -
and words are hard to come by....

When schools teach our children
that God we can deny -
with morals low, it saddens me -
and words are hard to come by....

When churches want to compromise,
compassioned speech supply -
When truth is dead, it saddens me -
and words are hard to come by....

When parents through their anger
will see their children cry.
This child abuse so saddens me -
and words are hard to come by....

When judges, with our documents,
our wants, through law imply -
abortion deaths, they sadden me -
and words are hard to come by....

Oh, sin on earth grows daily -
hate escalates so high.
When sinful actions sadden me -
the words are hard to come by....

Point your finger, pass the buck.
Actions speak - so hear them cry.
Their louder voices sadden me,
and words are hard to come by....

So if you must - accuse me quick -
if truth refuse to buy.
Oh, will we learn on judgment day -
that words are hard to come by...?

2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



  1. Louis, We are living in such a sad day. It's vexing to the soul. Great poem!

  2. Thanks for an idea, you sparked at thought from a angle I hadn’t given thoguht to yet. Now lets see if I can do something with it.


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