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Friday, February 20, 2009

Prayer Poem (of love) 2-20-09

I pray this soiled poem,
that's tattered, torn and curled,
finds its way to every eye
around this wicked world.
Pen and ink have spilled my love
upon this paper's face.
I've poured out every ounce of love,
then added Father's grace.

I took this soiled paper -
out to my mail box.
and know that it was carried,
for several, several blocks.
It found its way on semi's,
on trains, on airplanes too -
then criss-crossed 'round the world,
and made its way to you.

I pray that my concern for you
disperses not in vapor.
My prayer behind these lonely words
cries out within this paper.
I've been in your shoes many times
and no, I've not been perfect,
but here it is, this poem's yours
with utmost, dear respect.

Yes, this poem's traveled miles
and now it so appears,
its now for you, for you to read,
after all these years....
Take now, a bold, manly step
and find out something new.
My prayer poem traveled far.
Here. This is for you.


"Oh Father - see this poem
that I'm holding in my hands?
It's been to several countries
and its seen so many lands.
But now it's here - I'm holding it.
It really is for me -
and I am so discouraged that
I want to be set free!

Like this letter, I have traveled,
many, many miles.
I've been lost for many years,
sin stole so many smiles.
My heart was cold, like the tree
that stands collecting moss.
Until this poem searched me out,
I could not see Your cross.

Father, You have now changed me
from black to perfect white,
and I have put your armor on,
I'll be your special knight.
My shield of faith protects me and
my sword, I'll always read.
And in it, I'll find answers
for every single need.

Thank you for my special friend
who cared enough to give -
me, this love-filled poem
so now, I too, can live.
I'm sending now, this poem on
so another friend can see.
But now I know why it's so soiled...
I've added tears from me."

©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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