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Monday, December 15, 2008

Humble Child 12-15-08

Dreams, a wish, a want and cloud,
I chased a rainbow all allowed....
I saw futility.

Career, work, a job and more,
opportunities, times, an open door....
I grasped futility!

I entered life I could not shut -
in filth and mud - then in a rut....
I wore futility!

I scaled the ladder - oh, so high -
the lights below I couldn't buy....
I lived futility!

In total darkness, there I was -
you asked me "why"? I said "because"....
In full futility!

Then humbled there, I saw a child,
as I looked down, He saw I smiled....
- and then He set me free.

©2008 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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