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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Great Commission 9-10-08

I have no time that I can spend,
and have no pain that I can mend.
I have no notion I can be,
yet have this image I can see.

I feel a sorrow I can't share,
and feel a pain I cannot bear.
I feel a breeze I cannot clutch,
so can I feel the Master's touch?

I swallow food I do not grow,
and swallow facts I do not know.
I swallow pills I do not taste,
yet swallow words which are a waste.

I hear a thunder I can't make,
and hear a wind I cannot shake.
I hear a silence - not by choice.
Do I hear that caring voice?

I know the people I can't fudge,
and know the facts I cannot judge.
I know the shepherd, not the herds,
but do I know my Saviors words?

I see a rainbow I can't chase,
and see a light I cannot race.
I see a world I cannot reach,
yet see His love that I might teach.

I love desserts I can't consume,
and love the rose that might not bloom.
I love the world I do not know,
but God so loved so should I go?

I know the things I cannot touch,
and jobs I have don't matter much.
I know the scriptures - sea to sea,
My God knows me, but do I, He?

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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