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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Voices 2-23-08

Do I read my Bible, fold my hands,
but then forget God's great commands?

I look around our little church,
do a headcount, do a search

of each and every person there -
then ask myself, "Do we not care?"

Okay I know, I'm not to judge -
but wonder if God holds a grudge.

If God is love please tell me this -
why killing infants we dismiss?

No, the unborn cannot speak
and each so weak and each unique.

I wonder if those cries of pain
will always call to me in vain?

While fervently I pray for life -
another's lost under a knife.

Is it my fault? What have I done?
Does my vote count? I have but one.

For years and years and years and years
their cries have fallen on deaf ears....

Would I for someone take this cross
when that is someone else's loss?

So softens as we wayward drift
the echo's from His gracious gift.

Oh, some might say it's so absurd -
but was it His small voice I heard?

Yes, our rights we grease and grease
while legal infants' voices cease,

Created in His image too,
their one lone right - is that not due?

While squeaky wheels take the oil,
the unborn are financial spoil.

Thrown out in waste cans with the trash,
replaced with dirty filthy cash.

Can I not care year after year -
nor shed again just one more tear?

Do I ignore when His voice speaks?
Will tears no longer find my cheeks?

I'm saddened I have so succumbed
to selfish ones who beat their drums.

I get accustomed, sing my praise -
while others vote their selfish ways.

We go to work. We go to schools.
We follow all their subtle rules,

Time consumes us - sun to suns.
Will God still lift us lazy ones?

When we accept another's choice,
do we not hear God's still small voice?

Do we sing hymns in mindless ease -
or really love the least of these?

Do we read Bibles, fold our hands,
but then ignore God's great commands?

©2008 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Luke 6:46 (NASB)
"Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?”
Matthew 25:40 (NASB) 
 "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you,
to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'"

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