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Friday, October 5, 2007

The Servants Love 10-5-07

I always keep my promises - if not, would be a crime;
Help me through it, through those “keeps”,
Time after time.

Bad news visits often. That's why you see me cower;
Help me through it, through those “visits”,
Hour after hour.

My employer wants me - yells, "HEY! HEY!! HEY!!!"
Help me through it, through those “wants”,
Day after Day.

The infants scream, when us they seek;
Help me through it, through their “screams”,
Week after Week.

Eleven people need my time. Everyone a tenth;
Help me through it, through those “needs”,
Month after month.

My health is failing. You know my greatest fear;
Help me through it, through all “failures”,
Year after year.

This funeral now - just for myself, will put me in a hole;
I know You'll love them through it all,
Soul after soul.

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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