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Sunday, February 4, 2007

Hand In Hand 2-4-07

Grace and Faith go hand in hand,
As a button bound by thread;
As hands create a handshake,
Or a man and woman wed.

Grace is mercy. Grace is love.
It's why He came to die.
Grace descends to even me
It's something I can't buy.

Faith, my shield that leads me on,
Is essential to possess;
To extinguish all the arrows,
to go forth and profess.

Faith is what I need to have,
Grace is what He's done;
They're not works by any means
But truths I cannot shun.

By Grace He reaches down to me,
Through Faith I understand;
He leads me by still waters,
As we walk hand in hand….

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Ephesians 2:8 (NASB) “For by grace you have been saved through faith...”


1 comment:

  1. Hi Louis, Today is bulletin day. I need a shorter poem for my second page. I remembered this one from a couple months ago. It will fit in nicely. Maybe you would like for me to mail you one. Just let me know. ~ Susan


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