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Saturday, July 8, 2006

There Comes A Time... 7-8-06

There comes a time in all men's lives,
-When he questions all his work.
Should he continue on his course -
Or is it finally time to shirk?

There comes a time his children leave,
They seem to be so busy.
Should I wait for them to call me -
Or call them? It makes me dizzy.

My wife and I became a pair,
So many years ago;
But things became so different,
As I watched her knit and sew....

Then faster time accelerates,
As I buried half of me;
I sat alone in disbelief,
And so lonely I will be.

And now my time will surely come,
It is sooner than I think.
There'll come a time in your life too,
So be watchful. Do not blink.

I'm torn in two as tears begin,
-Winding down my wrinkled face....
At least I know that come one day,
We'll be together in one place....

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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