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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Sand Castle 3-24-10

The boy continued working
as people ran on by -
kicking up the sun-dried sand
which stung his little eye.

The beach was full of castles,
sand castles great and tall.
The artists had great patience as
the crowd was held in awe.

Some were very stately
and some were built quite lean -
but artists built their castles
where they could be well seen.

Castles grand and beautiful –
some poised to win a place –
detailed touches serious
from top down to the base.

While all the crowd was standing 'round
still watching and amazed -
the judge looked ever critical
with eyebrow sometimes raised.

But then a storm came blowing by
collapsing every wall.
The crowd was stunned – wave after wave
had toppled one and all.

Yet, spared there – one sand castle
which stood above the rest.
It was not much to look at but –
withstood the final test.

Away from wicked, stormy seas
it stood back from the shore.
Though storm had sent its wicked waves
it could have handled more.

Every great sand castle
was crushed and so outdone -
all tested hard with crashing waves
that could not reach this one.

Its walls were not the straightest -
but safely from the sea -
was built alone so humbly
and stood there faithfully.

That young boy sat beside it
not really that obsessed –
when someone started yelling, "Hey!
This one beats the rest!”

The crowd all pushed and gathered ‘round -
then saw that castle standing.
They stood there so astonished but
said not anything.

The judge pushed a bit closer -
then saw that little boy -
who humbly built his castle
where waves could not destroy.

He roared loud his announcement,
“This is the perfect size!”
and then he leaned right over and
awarded him First Prize.

Still, the boy kept working
as people ran on by -
kicking up the sun-dried sand
which stung his little eye.

©2010 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


James 1:12 (NASB)
Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial;
for once he has been approved,
he will receive the crown of life
which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Simple 3-24-10

The pain and weight that burdens bear
come haunting us from everywhere.

They pull us down and steal our minds -
emotions felt of every kind.

Hate and anger, guilt we know -
they own our travels as we go.

We can't go back. The time has run
as every circumstance is done.

Both good and bad, forever past
as if in concrete each is cast.

But God has spoken loud and clear
that love was given, grace is here.

Accepting is our only task.
It's simple if we only ask.

©2010 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Mark 4:20 (NASB) "And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil;
and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold."