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Friday, June 30, 2006

What About Me? 6-06

What about me? Who will atone?
What can be done? I am alone.
Life's so unfair. How can this be?
Oh, what did my God do for me?

God made some to be a king,
And to a crown we often cling,
They give their law through their decree.
But what did my God do for me?

God made some to be so rich,
Some born into - without a hitch;
Wealth and power in large degree -
But what did my God do for me?

God created everything,
On earth - gave life and made it sing;
He sent His Son for us to see -
But what did my God do for me?

Yes, God came - a virgin birth,
A miracle - right here on earth!
And He holds, the only key -
Is this what God has done for me?

Jesus threw demons into swine,
And turned some water into wine.
He raised Lazarus perfectly -
But what did Jesus do for me?

Jesus slept upon a boat,
But His disciples stayed afloat -
Despite huge waves upon that sea -
But what did Jesus do for me?

As Jesus traveled on the road,
His miracles of healing showed.
He cured the blind so they could see -
But what did Jesus do for me?

Barren, worthless, not one fruit,
A fig tree stood which had no root.
Jesus spoke - withered the tree -
Is that what I have done to me?

Oh, His mercy and His grace,
He loved the world - all - every race.
Through faith in Him, He set me free!
Yes, that's what Jesus did for me.

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Monday, June 5, 2006

The Terrorizer 6-5-06

It's smaller than a meteor,
and hasn't that much girth,
yet stronger than the largest bomb,
and could destroy the Earth.

It can be smooth, as velvet,
and sometimes it can run.
or cooler than a summer breeze,
or hotter than the sun.

It's smaller than the strongest gun,
but started many wars.
Oh, but its so lazy too,
escaping many chores.

It started every argument.
Rare silence you can hear.
It's something most will never lose,
and always very near.

Receiving orders from the brain,
air flowing from the lung -
but if you don't quite get it yet -
just bite your wicked tongue!

©2006 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Psalm 10:7 (NASB) “His mouth is full of curses and deceit and oppression; Under his tongue is mischief and wickedness.”
